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【键盘侠】湖人胜鹈鹕|季后赛临近 季后詹出没!
- 发布日期:2025-01-04 14:41 点击次数:118 [Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (44-12) defeat the New Orleans Pelicans (25-33), 118-109.【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人(44胜12负)今天在主场以118-109击败新奥尔良鹈鹕(25胜33负)。詹姆斯40分8篮板6助攻7失误,戴维斯21分14篮板3助攻6封盖,格林17分5篮板4助攻,麦基2分9篮板,波普15分2抢断,卡鲁索8分3篮板8助攻;英格拉姆34分7篮板4助攻7失误,锡安29分6篮板3助攻,费沃斯8分3篮板,霍勒迪11分5篮板9助攻,鲍尔10分8篮板8助攻,梅利11分6篮板。————————[–]Lakers lakeshowbest 76 指標 4小時前Lakers are 38-0 now when leading at the end of 3rd quarter. 38-0!!Lakers are 18-0 when Lebron scores 30+.湖人球迷:我湖领先结束第三节的比赛已经38胜0负了!老詹得分破30时,我湖18胜0负![–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 220 指標 4小時前LeBron heard all the Zion talk and decided to make a statement tonight王治郅球迷:老詹听到了锡安赛前的发言,决定今晚表个态。[–]maverickhistorian 125 指標 4小時前Zion didn't disappoint either but lebron put on a show锡安也没让人失望,不过今晚是老詹的舞台[–]Magic TheAerial 33 指標 4小時前Two dudes who have (So far in Zion's case) lived up to almost impossible hype? Ofc you knew this battle was gonna live up to the expectations.Dwight played great defense on Zion, but boy did he eat pretty much everyone else. Including lowkey bodying tf outta AD at times.I mean his athleticism is beyond well documented at this point but every game it still feels just surprising somehow just how explosive he really is.魔术球迷:两人应该都对得起那些疯狂的吹捧吧?你肯定知道两人能在这场战斗中打出期望值。霍华德对锡安的防守很好,不过这孩子碰上其他人几乎通吃,尤其是有几次还用身体抗过了戴维斯。他的天赋早就溢出了,不过每次看他打球的时候,还是会被他的超强爆炸力震撼到。[–]Hornets TanManGaming 18 指標 4小時前Lebron said “The future is not yet young man”黄蜂球迷:老詹说,“未来还不是你的,小伙子”[–][LAL] Marcelo Huertas henstobs11 30 指標 4小時前This was honestly the most focused he's been all season in a single game and I can't deny that it might be because of the versus Zion hype lmao he's shown more playoff Bron flashes in this game than both Clippers matchup games combined湖人球迷:讲真,这是詹姆斯整个赛季最为专注的一场比赛,无法否认的是,或许有对抗锡安的缘故,哈哈哈,老詹这场比赛展现出的季后詹风采比对快船两场加起来还要多[–]Lakers Nickmi 8 指標 4小時前He was more tuned in for the celctics and nuggets before the all star break imo湖人球迷:那我觉得全明星休赛期前打凯尔特人和掘金他也进入了季后詹频道[–]Lakers darklord0530 24 指標 4小時前Kind of selfish of LeBron to take the lead with him everytime he sits湖人球迷:老詹有点自私啊,自己下场就算了,每次还要把领先优势也带走[–]Lakers the_boy_who_lied 428 指標 4小時前LeBron with the ANTI Harden stat line of 40 pts and 1 freethrow.湖人球迷:老詹在仅命中一次罚球的情况下拿到了40分的反哈登式数据。[–][CHI] Derrick Rose thatdude0125 139 指標 4小時前Man was at the rim a lot tonight too公牛球迷:而且老詹今晚频繁冲击篮下[–]Lakers Heor326 117 指標 4小時前LeBron is getting no calls湖人球迷:可他得不到哨子[–][CLE] Jeff Green Ballzagna 27 指標 4小時前The NBA/refs suspiciously gave them all to Zion.骑士球迷:联盟和裁判涉嫌把哨子都给锡安一个人。[–]Lakers lovedogs1323[] 48 指標 4小時前The amount of disrespect Lebron gets from the refs is absurb湖人球迷:真是离谱,裁判居然这么不尊重老詹[–]Lakers oyechotu 81 指標 4小時前It seemed as if the refs today just weren't calling the foul when he was contacted on his drives湖人球迷:貌似詹姆斯带球往内线冲被别人碰到的时候,裁判今天就是不吹[–][LAL] LeBron James introvert_duck 81 指標 4小時前Today? More like a few seasons now.湖人球迷:就今天?几个赛季了好吧[–]Suns bageltheperson[ ] 83 指標 4小時前That’s so bizarre太阳球迷:真是诡异[–][HOU] Hakeem Olajuwon Kuboinks 125 指標 4小時前Especially when you see Zion with 19 attempts火箭球迷:再对比下锡安的19次罚球[–][LAL] Marcelo Huertas henstobs11 186 指標 4小時前Most aggressive scoring performance from LeBron all season. And he gets 2 FTs for it. 27 FGs (16 non-3 FGs). He really is allowed to get hacked on drives.For comparison Zion had 18 FGs and 19 FTs. Not saying he didn't deserve the calls but if you're calling it like that for one guy I don't see how LeBron only gets 2 FTs.湖人球迷:这是老詹这个赛季最有攻击性的得分表现。而他只有两次罚球。出手27次,16次是两分球出手。他带球冲起来的时候,对手真是可以随便砍。做个比较,锡安18次出手,19次罚球。倒不是锡安这些罚球不应该,可你要是吹了锡安的那些,那我就想不通詹姆斯怎么就只有两次罚球了[–][CLE] Jeff Green Ballzagna 63 指標 4小時前This game really made me question the officiating. It seemed too easy for Zion to get to the line. Almost as if the NBA wanted Zion to beat LBJ tonight.骑士球迷:这场比赛的判罚确实让我质疑。锡安上罚球线太简单了,几乎就感觉联盟就是想让锡安今晚击败詹姆斯[–]bottleofwehike 19 指標 3小時前The argument is usually about lebron being so strong, so they cant call every foul. But this is getting out of hand now, if this will be the case for playoffs, bron will be mad af. When they show the replays of his layups, you can always see that he got hit to the arm. If we compare the amount of free throws the other superstars get, refs really hate lebron imo.之前詹姆斯罚球少吧,理由一般是他太强壮了,所以不能每球都吹。可现在越来越无法无天了啊,这要是在季后赛,老詹怕是要喷火。老詹那些上篮回放的时候,你总能看到他的手臂被打到。再对比下其他超巨得到的罚球数,感觉裁判是真的不待见詹姆斯。[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 56 指標 4小時前*Zion practically lived at the rim, a lot of them were legit fouls but it was annoying seeing him go to the line damn near every possession. I really like him though湖人球迷:锡安就差住在篮下了,他的很多罚球确实是被犯规了,可是你特么几乎每个回合都能上罚球线,那也太烦了吧。不过我真心喜欢锡安。————————[–]Mavericks Mr-Sister-Fister21 28 指標 4小時前Man I love watching Caruso.独行侠球迷:我好爱看卡鲁索打球啊。[–]Mavericks Mr-Sister-Fister21 7 指標 4小時前He who is tired of Alex Caruso is tired of life.独行侠球迷:谁要是厌倦了卡鲁索,那就是厌倦了生活[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 740 指標 3小時前Caruso: +20 in 18 minutesRondo: -17 in 12 minutes王治郅球迷:卡鲁索:出场18分钟,正负值+18隆多:出场12分钟,正负值-17[–][GSW] Klay Thompson kiidlocs 29 指標 4小時前wtf is vogel doing勇士球迷:沃格尔搞毛线啊[–]Lakers lower-case-only 8 指標 4小時前I ask that every time Rondo comes off the bench instead of Caruso. Or even Quinn Cook. I can’t understand what the coaching staff sees in Rondo湖人球迷:每次看到隆多而不是卡鲁索替补出场我就会问这个,哪怕是库克上也好啊。真不知道教练组看中隆多哪儿了[–]Lakers WE_FAM_NOW 27 指標 4小時前He’s the only other real ball handler other than Lebron, tho Caruso’s handle is getting better and better. Everyone getting in the mix is good for the team. Do you really not remember how good Rondo played in literally the game before this? Ay, ay, ay. Idk what to say about us Laker fans.湖人球迷:隆多是除了老詹之外,我湖唯一的真正的持球人,不过卡鲁索的控球越来越好了。人人都参与对球队是好事。难道你们真不记得上一场比赛隆多的表现有多好了吗?哎,我真不知道该咋说我们湖蜜。[–]Lakers iHadSexWithNBAmods 57 指標 4小時前Saving him for the playoffs he just teasing us right now湖人球迷:沃格尔这是逗我们玩儿呢,他要把卡鲁索留到季后赛用。[–]Kings TheFoxKing5 17 指標 4小時前At least Vogel played Caruso more and sat Rondo. If Rondo is playing bad he's a huge net negative on the floor.国王球迷:至少沃格尔让卡鲁索这场打得更久。要是隆多打得不好,那他在场上的影响力非常负面。[–][CLE] Cedi Osman FormerlyElgarmanvenn 345 指標 4小時前You can literally feel the energy shift when Caruso checks in. The closing line up with him - Green - KCP - LeBron - AD is filthy as fuck骑士球迷:卡鲁索上场的时候,你还真能感受到球队的面貌在改变。收割阶段他、格林、波普、老詹和戴维斯这套阵容真尼玛变态。[–]Lakers quantumsquarepants 87 指標 4小時前Lineup of death come playoff time.湖人球迷:到了季后赛就是死亡阵容了[–]Lakers rawchess 45 指標 4小時前Not even a small lineup either, Danny's 6'6 and Lebron's obviously big enough to defend 4s.湖人球迷:这甚至都不是小个阵容。格林6尺6,老詹那么壮,明显是可以防4号位的。[–]Lakers henryofclay 27 指標 3小時前And I always forget that Caruso is a legit 6’5. Always feels like he’s 62-6’3湖人球迷:我老是忘了卡鲁索其实有6尺5的身高,总觉得他是6尺2左右[–]BluefaceBabyYeaAight 134 指標 4小時前Dwight was amazing too, played the best D on Zion霍华德也很厉害啊,在锡安面前打出了最强防守[–]Lakers Slobbles 59 指標 4小時前and KCP is a different animal湖人球迷:而且波普也是个不一样的怪物[–]shanmustafa 148 指標 4小時前Kuzma -19库兹马正负值-19[–]BluefaceBabyYeaAight 28 指標 4小時前Vogel keep throwing Kuz with the worst Lakers lineup i.e. the Rondo-LeBron-Dwight lineup, that lineup always play trash together and gives up leads but Vogel still does it every single game.沃格尔老是把库兹马放到那套最菜的湖人阵容里,比如隆多、老詹和霍华德在的阵容,这套阵容一般打得很垃圾,浪掉领先优势,不过沃格尔每场比赛还是要用。[–]atlfirsttimer 30 指標 4小時前No, the lineup that blows leads is Rondo, Davis, Kuzma不,浪掉领先优势的是 隆多、戴维斯和库兹马在的阵容。[–]BluefaceBabyYeaAight 9 指標 4小時前That still isn't as bad as LeBron-Rondo-Dwight lineup, the other team literally just pack the paint and leave Rondo wide open and LeBron kicks it to him and he bricks it for the 100th time.这还是没老詹、隆多和霍华德这套阵容菜,对手只要缩到内线、放空隆多就好,老詹往里突了之后甩到外面,隆多迎来第100次打铁。[–]Grizzlies MemGrizz_VeryNice 69 指標 4小時前Until garbage time, every player on the Los Angeles Lakers was a net positive in +/-… Except Rondo (-17) and Kuzma (-20).灰熊球迷:这场比赛垃圾时间之前,湖人每个人的正负值都是正的……除了隆多(-17)和库兹马(-20)[–]Lakers ubiasedhoodfriend 87 指標 4小時前Kuzma plays most of his time with rondo so it ain't really his fault. Everytime rondo is on the court Kuz probably is too.湖人球迷:大多数时候,库兹马都是和隆多一起出场的,所以这真不能怪他。只要隆多在场,库兹马大概也在[–]Lakers rawchess 39 指標 4小時前This Rondo/Kuz lineup has already taken years off my lifespan.湖人球迷:隆多和库兹马一起出场的阵容已经让我折寿好多年了[–]Pistons peacock_tail 6 指標 4小時前i predict Kuzma doesn't get much playing time in the 2nd round of playoffs and later.just a prediction.活塞球迷:我预测库兹马从季后赛第二轮开始,就不会得到很多上场时间。纯预测啊[–]Lakers matticans7pointO 3 指標 2小時前If Morris plays solid D and hits his open shots there won't be much need for Kuz come playoff time especially if he isn't hitting his shots consistently湖人球迷:如果莫里斯的防守稳,空位也开了,那在季后赛还真没多大必要用库兹马,何况他的篮子也不稳。[–][LAL] D'Angelo Russell Smasher1311 107 指標 4小時前We need to get Rondo the fuck away from Kuzma, not good for Kuz’s game at all湖人球迷:我们必须得让特么隆多别和库兹马一起出场,这对库兹马的发挥一点帮助都没[–]shanmustafa 86 指標 4小時前kuzma’s game just isn’t developed enough to be on a team like this right now. he needs to be strictly a transition player, a strong cuts player, and make open threes. he does too much库兹马现在的能力还不足以在湖人立足。他必须得加强转换进攻、切入,还得进空位三分,他要做的还有很多。[–]Dazegobye 25 指標 3小時前I know its too late in the season to try it but id wish they would try starting kuzma over danny green. Those nervous first quarter shots should be kuzmas while lebron and AD try to play themselves into the game. Danny will get plenty of spot up 3 looks no matter what time of the game he plays in and can always be in the finishing lineup depending on matchups.我知道,这赛季快到尾声了,不过我倒是希望湖人能让库兹马取代格林打首发。第一节那些紧张的机会应该给库兹马,戴维斯和詹姆斯这会儿还在找感觉呢。至于说格林,不管啥时候出场,他会得到大量定点三分机会的,而且他总能出现在终结阵容里。[–]Raptors im_not_your_uncle 10 指標 3小時前But Danny needs that early shots though. Same concept you said with Kuzma except Danny's shots is crucial from early to end. Danny's 3's needs to warm up early to set the tempo of the game. His threat is the space maker of the team. If he isn't hitting his shots everybody won't have the space.猛龙球迷:不过格林需要开场的机会来热热手啊。你说的库兹马也是这个情况,不过格林的篮子从始至终都是很关键的。他的三分必须得早点找到感觉,这样才能为比赛定调。他的威胁在于为球队拉开空间。如果他的三分没开,那大家都没空间。————————[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant jaycee1025 278 指標 3小時前Goddamn Zion is going to be a problem for years.湖人球迷:擦,锡安以后就是个大麻烦啊[–]Raptors wertexx 150 指標 4小時前I'm pretty skeptical on him, not because of his playing ability, that's no question.His body. He NEEDS to change his high-flying playstyle like Blake did or lose a ton of weight. He's a freak but those knees won't last very long.猛龙球迷:我对他还是蛮多疑问的,不是因为他的能力,这是没毛病的。是他的身体。他必须得改变那种像格里芬一样一飞冲天的打法,要不就减重。他是个怪物,不过他的膝盖扛不住多久。[–]Lakers bocz 93 指標 4小時前Watching Zion jump over people like Dwight for offensive rebounds is one of the greatest spectacles in the NBA right now.It's inhuman. Nobody should be able to move like that.湖人球迷看着锡安一跃而起在霍华德身前摘下进攻板,这是NBA眼下的奇观之一。非人啊。人类的身体不能这么上蹿下跳吧。[–]Pelicans thezaland 15 指標 4小時前He fucking LOVES his offensive rebounds. I’ll blink and miss him get one with how explosive the dude is. I’m so happy that I used my time machine to come back to the year before the Pels won the championship.鹈鹕球迷:他尼玛是真喜欢抢前场板。眨眼功夫他就摘得一板,毕竟这孩子太劲爆了。很高兴我可以坐时光机回到鹈鹕夺冠之前的日子。[–]Lakers mrBigBoi 83 指標 4小時前When Zion out jumped and grabbed that rebound from Dwight and then landed on his injured knee leg... I doubt that he can sustain that shit for long. I hope that the Pelicans manage to keep him healthy cuz he is bound to be great player.湖人球迷:锡安跳得比霍华德高,然后拿到那个前场板,落地那一瞬间,受力的是那支膝盖伤过的腿……我觉得他这膝盖撑不了那么久了。希望鹈鹕能想法让锡安健康,因为他注定会成就伟大。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook WakeUpKevinMiller 43 指標 4小時前Not even 15 games into his career and you guys are already clamoring for him to change his playstyle. Blake, who was already injury prone to begin with, had 4 all-star seasons of dunking everything in sight before he started slowing down and changing his approach.Not saying you may not eventually be right, but it's really weird to me how we can't just discuss Zion's insane ability without constantly concern trolling his playstyle. As if he's supposed to change his playstyle during his rookie season already. Give him at least a couple of summers or something to work on it. It's not like it's so big of an issue he can't even last a single half season of playing 30mpg.雷霆球迷:他这还打15场比赛呢,你们就嚷嚷着叫他改变打法。就拿玻璃属性的格里芬来说吧,他可是先扣出了四个赛季的全明星,然后才开始下滑,从而改变打法的。不是说你们这些人说错了什么,可我觉得奇怪的是,咱们能不能单纯地讨论他那逆天的天赋,不要总是把他的打法挂在嘴边啊。搞得像是他处子赛季就该改变打法一样。至少先给他几个夏天,让他努努力再说吧。这个问题也没那么大不了吧,他这甚至都没以场均30分钟的时间打过半个赛季啊。[–][MIA] LeBron James kalagula 66 指標 3小時前Well yeah... Because he already fucked up his knee in his first game. It doesn't matter what kind of an athletic freak you are, the joints are the limiting factor. I'm legit scared watching him land on one knee that pounds the ground under 280 pounds from a 44-inch vertical drop.热火球迷:这么说吧……因为他在第一场比赛就已经动到膝盖了。在NBA打球,你的身体素质如何变态并不重要,重要的是你的制约因素。看着他280磅的躯体从44英寸的高度重重落下,然后还是单膝受力,我是真的害怕。[–]Lakers hargeOnChargers 30 指標 3小時前I don’t understand how people dont get nervous seeing Zion outjumping Dwight Howard for a rebound and landing on one knee with all that weight. Even Derrick Rose fucked his knee up from the same thing and he was like 70 pounds lighter.湖人球迷:那些不担心的人我是真的不能理解。当初连罗斯都是这样毁掉膝盖的,他比锡安还轻70磅呢[–]Pelicans Andtheyrustledsoftly 119 指標 4小時前*BI and Zion: 65ptsEveryone fucking else: 44.鹈鹕球迷:莺歌和锡安:65分特么其他人:44分[–][LAL] Lonzo Ball _philosopher 19 指標 4小時前Jrue decided to play like Kobe when it is BI that has the hot hand湖人球迷:莺歌手感火热之际,霍乐迪决定像科比一样打球[–]Pelicans AnotherStatsGuy 9 指標 4小時前If Holiday's going to be expending all of his energy guarding LeBron, they need a third scorer, Lonzo, Hart, Redick, I don't care who. I know Frank Jackson can get buckets. Melli doesn't have the ceiling to raise his offensive output by enough points鹈鹕球迷:如果霍乐迪要把全部精力用于防守詹姆斯,那我们就需要第三得分手,鲍尔、哈特、雷迪克,不管是谁。我知道杰克逊是可以拿分的。梅利的得分上限就那样了。[–][LAL] Robert Horry BikoCorleone 238 指標 4小時前Post-ASB Ingram is in full effect, enjoy watching him Pelicans bros.湖人球迷:全明星后期的莺歌正在全力表演,看他打球很享受啊,鹈鹕老铁[–][LAL] Derek Fisher rburp 63 指標 4小時前He genuinely is something else this time of year湖人球迷:他一到这个时候就有点东西[–]Lakers thevisitor 15 指標 3小時前I hope they cherish him he was my fav of the young boys湖人球迷:希望鹈鹕能好好珍惜他,毕竟曾是我最喜欢的年轻球员[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 22 指標 5小時前Honestly not a terrible game for the Pelicans in terms of a playoff-series standpointGreen/KCP hit more threes than your entire team ... Lakers with no real answer for Zion ... Jrue shot 5/18Just a wing defender away from being interesting凯尔特人球迷:讲真,以季后赛系列赛的标准来看,鹈鹕这场打得不赖格林和波普两人进的三分比鹈鹕全队还多……湖人拿锡安是真没办法……何况霍乐迪只有18中5鹈鹕就缺一个侧翼防守人[–]NBA osay77[ ] 30 指標 5小時前Lakers shot 13/44 from 3 though. Wasn’t a hot shooting night from them.可是湖人今天三分也才44中13啊。他们今晚的手感也不热[–]Thunder moneybooy 6 指標 5小時前Idk why Lonzo only played the last 2 minutesHe should be on the floor and not Hart雷霆球迷:不知道为啥就让鲍尔打了最后两分钟他应该早点在场上,而不是哈特[–]Trojantrpt 20 指標 5小時前Ummm Zion got blocked multiple times and had extremely momentum shifting turnovers... The stats ain't the game man. Also BI was cash from everywhere while AD couldn't finish in the paint.That's a sweep easily.呃,锡安这场吃了几个火锅,而且还有些很影响士气的失误……数据并不能体现他的表现。莺歌的得分无处不在,而戴维斯却没法在内线完成终结要是两队在季后赛碰上,湖人轻松横扫[–]Timberwolves the___heretic 6 指標 4小時前Lakers definitely did a great job of containing Zion tonight. Might not seem like it since he still scored 29, but they never let him truly dictate the game or gain any real momentum.森林狼球迷:湖人今晚对锡安的限制很成功。或许看起来不是这样,毕竟他还是得到了29分,不过湖人还真没让锡安决定比赛,也没让锡安打出过气势。————————[–][LAL] Kwame Brown adrm304 107 指標 5小時前AD fucked around and got a double double. Awesome that even on a bad shooting night you can still rely on his defense. And we also still have LeBron Fucking James.湖人球迷:戴维斯打得不好,还是拿到了两双。好在即便他今晚没有手感,我们还是能依赖他的防守。而且我们依然有特么的詹姆斯![–]Lakers CaCHooKaMan 50 指標 5小時前I mean AD still had 21 points, 14 rebounds and 6 blocks. Not the dominant AD that he normally is but that's still better than like 90% of the league could do on their best days.湖人球迷:我觉得吧,戴维斯依然拿到了21分14板6帽啊。确实没打出以往的统治力,不过这样的他依然比联盟90%的人生涯最佳表现强。[–]Lakers jelloisjigglin 23 指標 4小時前Probably AD's worst game of the season and he still found a way to have a double-double and have a big impact.He missed a lot of easy looks tonight and also settled too much.湖人球迷:这也许是戴维斯这赛季打得最不好的一场,不过他依然设法拿下了两双,打出了自己的影响力。他有很多简单机会投丢了,而且也打得有些过于安逸了。[–]NBA nomad80 47 指標 4小時前just mentioning this; AD just needs to learn and translate LeBron's mental approach to the game. it will make him incredibly hard to stop就这么说吧,戴维斯就是需要学习老詹的那种精神意志力并将其转化到比赛中。这样他才能无法阻挡。[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 53 指標 4小時前I hate to say it but he’s kinda soft, love having him and he’s been amazing this season but he’s not a bruiser at all湖人球迷:我讨厌这么说,不过戴维斯有点软,有他在我湖很开心,他这个赛季一直都很出色,不过他压根就不是那种狠角色。[–]Lakers popcorninmapubes 33 指標 4小時前AD reminds me at times of Pau that first season in 08.湖人球迷:他有时候让我想起了08年在我湖打第一个赛季的加索尔[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 11 指標 4小時前That’s a good comp, I definitely agree湖人球迷:这个比较蛮好,我同意[–]LBW1 38 指標 5小時前Although Lebron is not yet in playoff mode, he’s definitely no longer LeCoasting. He’s in a pre-playoff mode stage at this point. Last few games, he’s been aggressive and taking over the games.尽管詹姆斯还没开启季后赛模式,但是他肯定不是划水詹了。现在的他处于季后赛前期模式。近几场比赛,他一直很有攻击性,而且接管了比赛[–]Lakers spyirl 10 指標 4小時前Pretty sure he is coasting. For some reason he got up for this game I guess the Zion hype.湖人球迷:我觉得他就是一直在划水。这场比赛强势了一把我觉得是因为锡安的热度。[–]LBW1 10 指標 4小時前Nah, he was putting up numbers in the last 3 games. He averages 33ppg since the all star break.不啊,他最近三场的数据都上升了。全明星休赛期之后场均33分[–]JSBrar1994 13 指標 4小時前Insane that the man is coasting and still 2nd in the mvp race这个男人明明在划水,居然还是MVP排名的第二,不可思议啊[–]Warriors zepkah 46 指標 5小時前*I know Giannis is most likely going to be the MVP, but LeBron is at least making it somewhat interesting.勇士球迷:我知道,字母哥很可能会成为MVP,不过至少老詹让MVP的竞争多了点趣味性[–]Lakers spyirl 39 指標 4小時前I'd like to see if Giannis could win an MVP with Rondo on his team.湖人球迷:要是和隆多一个队的话,我想看看字母哥还能不能拿到MVP[–]shanmustafa 104 指標 5小時前i'm all in on lebron for mvp. this team would win a smooth 30 games without him. they are an eyesore to watch without him on the floor.also, caruso is really really good. he needs to be getting 20+ minutes consistently.timeout with 46 seconds left, okay whatever, timeout with 18 seconds left???? cmon now what the fuck alvin gentry我全力支持老詹拿MVP。要是没他的话,这支湖人可能就赢30场。他不在场的时候比赛简直没法看再有,卡鲁索真心厉害。应该每场让他出场20多分钟。还剩46秒叫暂停,行吧随意,可你只剩18秒还叫暂停???金特里搞毛线啊[–]__pulsar 40 指標 4小時前LeBron dragging that 2018 Cavs team to the finals was amazing. They were straight ass the next year.詹姆斯当初拖着17/18赛季的骑士打进总决赛那才叫厉害。他走之后骑士直接嗝屁[–]return_of_the_ring 37 指標 4小時前He played 82 games that season and made it to the finals. He was the MVP for me for that season.Also, that Toronto series was something else. Never have I seen dominance like that.他那个赛季打了82场。我觉得他就是那年的MVP而且打多伦多的那轮系列赛也了不得。我从未见过那种级别的统治力[–]Cavaliers Courtside_Convo 7 指標 4小時前LeBron James is one of a kind. Will never be another like him ever again. Enjoy it.骑士球迷:詹姆斯就是独一无二的。像他这样的球员不会有第二个。好好享受吧————————来源:Reddit编译:云长刮个痧 键盘侠—歪果仁精彩评论汇总